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Welcome to Maria Angelucci

                ANGELIGHT PRODUCTIONS               

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In This World But Not Of This World. Eternity starts now. Unlimited. Without end. Forever. When the one living inside of us is the Creator of all, why would He place limits on what we can achieve? He doesn't. We do. Angelight Productions is ray emanating from the Creator's Heart to display the wonders of His glorious, expansive Love.

Birthed in a time of seeking God's will for my life, Angelight Productions started to take form in 2008 when I began writing my first book and also partnered with an LA film distributor who came to me through my then acting coach and film producer, Robert Christie. 

At the time I had already achieved an AFTRA/SAG status as an actor and also assisted in the production of an independent film as well as Executive Producer of a student film. The writing of "Last Days On Earth" become a priority which, now being accomplished, I am initiating the foundation work for an online TV Station, "The Truth Network", the mission of which will be to bring into everyone's living room the choice to view content that is based on God's Truth...Nothing But!


I am eager to bring a platform to God's people whereby His ways and plans may be showcased for the edification of the masses. I am fully persuaded that I could not continue with this endeavor until I established a closer and more intimate relationship with our totally amazing Father God. I have now given my life completely to the service of promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ in lifestyle and in teaching and healing ministries, through the Sword of Truth Coaching, a soul transformation approach to life and health coaching that draws form God's Kingdom principles!


Photography by Maria Angelucci: taken in Rome and Abruzzi, Italy 2007...some wonders of Our Fathers brushed strokes!


Additional Books Coming Soon!






There are a few things in life that we simply cannot do without!  Physically, it would be water, food, shelter, and a safe environment. Basics. But seldom do we know the basics of our souls; protection, provision, acceptance and even more rarely do we seek out the basics of our spirits. Truth… according to the Creator.


In everything under the sun there is a process. We have all heard the song by the “Bryds” “Turn, Turn, Turn” which starts with, “To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under Heaven.”

I will add, “To everything there is a Process and for every season there are assignments!”

Blind spots! “Let’s see what happens!” moments that led me to develop the expertise of  “damage control” after seeing what happened was what should never have happened nor even entertained in my thought process!  Yes! We do learn through our mistakes. However, if we truly are taught that there is a process to everything under the sun and recognize where we are in that process, the blind spots simply cannot stay!


This book picks up from the first book, “Last Days on Earth” also, a memoir, that traversed a three year period of my life from 2006 to 2009 where I sold my house, quit my job and after much asking, seeking and knocking, discovered who I am in Christ and the plans He has for me! Oh My! And what plans they are indeed! AND He has plans for each and every one of us! If you want to remove the guess work and find your God designed customized plan for YOUR life, or curious to see if your life is the life you were meant to live, look for this book! If you want to be on your way now, go to the coaching tab and let’s get started!

“The only way to win in life is to live it in truth and in spirit!”


“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth."

John 4:24 NLT


Th Process

Prophetic Soul Transformation Coaching

Personal Coaching addresses all areas of a persons life to bring clarity and balance for permanent affirmative transformation that is based on awareness and not personal will power alone.

Improvement and change can only be brought about by knowing truth.

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Prophetic Soul Transformation


I have been working with Maria since June 2018. I sought her out for life coaching and found it to be a life-changing experience. I found her to be compassionate, knowledgeable and firm and able to keep me accountable.


I was saved 15 years ago but never felt like a daughter of the faith and did not have a good grip of who I was/am in Christ. I also struggled with doubt and self-defeating behaviors as well as oppressive guilt. With scripture directed teaching Maria was able to help me conquer these three more pressing issues in my life. I feel my goals have been reached and now working on discovery of my place in God's kingdom.



Maria is truly led by the Holy Spirit and gives sound biblical counseling with insight from God for your particular spiritual growth and life situations. She has been a tremendous blessing to me both in directions and accountability to center my life around God's purpose.

Her commitment to Jesus, through prayer and fasting, shows in her passion to help others. I highly recommend Maria who has helped me hear from Holy Spirit myself as well as practical steps for growth in my relationship with Jesus! She is also a dedicated prayer partner whose commitment is extraordinary! If you want truth and biblical mentoring to hear God's purpose for your life, Maria is an excellent teacher.



God led me to Maria a few years after a particularly hard time. I have always been a Christian and knew that God died to save me! I never questioned that. What swirled around in my head and kept me "stuck" were situations that I had no control over...sexual molestation at ten by a teenage male rape at 14...repeated physical, sexual and mental abuse by boyfriends and husbands...just to name some.


These horrific circumstances led me to abuse alcohol...specifically blackout binge drinking...which caused a cascade of horrific events in my life. Long story made short...God turned me around using road ahead...slow down! I went home and the next morning went to my first recovery meeting. I have remained sober for the past 13 years. But only by the grace of God. Not recovery meetings! I continued to walk a straight path but my mind could not erase the damaging voices of the devil. He had worked so hard for so many years to tear me down I believed his lies. I won't go into them here but I heard about 24 strong voices. I found Maria's book, "Last Days On Earth" at my local library.



Her story was similar to mine.

But Maria was free and her story had a different twist! I wanted that freedom!

What I did next was probably "borderline" stalking. I looked her up, and I called her, I asked her to meet with me! She did!

Working with Maria has allowed me to experience the freedom that is available to every one of God's children. No longer does Satan and his demons speak into my mind. They were denounced! Strongholds vanished! A living, loving, personal relationship with my Father abounds! I know my purpose. I feel my purpose. I live my purpose.


Every session with Maria took me deeper with Christ. She made sure that I was ready to move deeper. She held me accountable and taught me how to pray. How to thwart any attacks the enemy tried to make. She reminded me of my identity! That I am a child of a king! That I was knit together in the womb for a purpose!


If you find yourself in need of help, I am certain Maria and Sword of Truth Coaching will be an answer to prayer. Maria knows her life purpose!



The Dream Mentoring coaching has been amazing! Maria coaches while listening to the Holy Spirit and letting Him bring out (in real time) revelation about who you are in God and what He has called you to do. i recommend this coaching for young and old, you will be amazed!


-Linda L.

Even coaches need coaches. I'd been a life coach for nearly a decade when I started working with Maria. I had encountered Jesus and my life immediately unraveled. Maria's expertise is soul transformation and graciously took my case. As the Lord transformed and resurrected my soul, Maria was right there. Led by the Holy Spirit: she guided me when I was lost, pushed me when I was reluctant, and held my hand when I was fearful. She's a masterful coach, wise prophetess, and powerful intercessor. I know it wasn't her that rescued me...but it was her that rescued me. I thank God that she's in my life! 




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